The cadaver course is already fully booked, but there are still places available for the first day - theoretical part.
If you would like to be placed on the waiting list for the cadaver part, please send an email.

Registration Form

Fields marked with an asterisk* are required

E.g. 123 456 789
E.g. 1234 Main St
E.g. 12
E.g. Warsaw
E.g. 12-345
Only 5 places left for Theoretical part
Select payment method:
If you are a human, do not fill in this field

Bank: IBAN: PL47 1600 1462 1747 5373 4000 0004

The cadaver course is already fully booked, but there are still places available for the first day - theoretical part.
If you would like to be placed on the waiting list for the cadaver part, please send an email.